Julkaisut tieteellisissä lehdissä
Mäkelä, M., Onkila, T. 2023 -forthcoming. Domination of managerial and technical frames - How the circular economy is reported in Finnish business. Accepted for publication in Circular Economy and Sustainability. Saatavilla pian.
Jokinen, L., Mäkelä, M., Heikkilä, K., Apostol, O., Kalliomäki, H., Saarni, J. 2022. Creating futures images for sustainable cruise ships: insights on collaborative foresight for sustainability enhancement. Futures, 135, 102873.
Koistinen, K., Onkila, T., Teerikangas, S., Mäkelä, M., Sarja, M., Valkjärvi, M. 2022. Bold ambition, blunted agency? Examining top management perspectives on a circular economy transition in Finland, Energy Research & Social Science, 86, 102451.
Marjamaa, M., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Images of the future for a circular economy: The case of Finland. Futures, 102985.
Piila, N., Sarja, M., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Organisational drivers and challenges in circular economy implementation: An issue life cycle approach. Organization & Environment, Early-view.
Sarna, B., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Rationality, experiences or identity work? Sensemaking of emotionally tense experiences of organizational sustainability. Social Responsibility Journal.
Apostol, O., Mäkelä, M., Heikkilä, K., Höyssä, M., Kalliomäki, H., Jokinen, L. and Saarni, J. 2021. Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemaking. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34, 4, 849-876. Linkki artikkeliin.
Sarja, M., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2021. A systematic literature review of the transition to the circular economy in business organizations: Obstacles, catalysts and ambivalences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125492.
Mäkelä, M., Parkkinen, M., Lyytimäki, J., Nygrén, N. A.. 2020. Futures images of woodchips as an energy source in Finland. Futures, 121, 102571.
Könnölä, K., Kangas, K., Seppälä, K., Mäkelä, M., Lehtonen, T. 2020. Considering sustainability in cruise vessel design and construction based on existing sustainability certification systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, 120763.
Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M., Järvenpää, M. 2017. Employee sensemaking on the importance of sustainability reporting in sustainability identity change. Sustainable Development, 26 (3), 217-228.
Mäkela, M. 2017. Environmental impacts and aspects in the forest industry: What kind of picture do corporate environmental reports provide? Forest Policy and Economics 80, 178-191.
Mäkelä, M. 2017. Trends in environmental performance reporting in the Finnish forest industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 1333-1346.
Joensuu, K., Koskela, M., Onkila, T. 2015. Social proximity and environmental NGO relationships in corporate sustainability reports. Sustainable Development, 23(1), 26-40.
Koskela, M. 2014. Measuring eco-efficiency in the Finnish forest industry with public data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 316-327.
Koskela, M. 2014. Occupational health and safety in corporate social responsibility reports. Safety Science, 68, 294-308.
Onkila, T., Joensuu, K., Koskela, M. 2014. Implications of managerial framing of stakeholders in environmental reports. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 34, 134-156.
Koskela, M. 2014. Future of environmental reporting in the Finnish forest industry. European Journal of Futures Research. Supplement, 01/2014.
Koskela, M., Vehmas, J. 2012. Defining eco-efficiency: A case study on the Finnish forest industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21(8), 546–566.
Koskela, M. 2011. Expert views on environmental impacts and their measurement in the forest industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 19(12), 1365–1376.
Vinnari, M., Koskela, M. 2009. Editorial. Progress in Industrial Ecology - An International Journal, 6(4), 337–339.
Koskela, M., Kiltti, P., Vilpola, I., Tervonen, J. 2005. Suitability of a Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 3(1), 21–30.
Jokinen, L., Mäkelä, M., Heikkilä, K., Apostol, O., Kalliomäki, H., Saarni, J. 2022. Creating futures images for sustainable cruise ships: insights on collaborative foresight for sustainability enhancement. Futures, 135, 102873.
Koistinen, K., Onkila, T., Teerikangas, S., Mäkelä, M., Sarja, M., Valkjärvi, M. 2022. Bold ambition, blunted agency? Examining top management perspectives on a circular economy transition in Finland, Energy Research & Social Science, 86, 102451.
Marjamaa, M., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Images of the future for a circular economy: The case of Finland. Futures, 102985.
Piila, N., Sarja, M., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Organisational drivers and challenges in circular economy implementation: An issue life cycle approach. Organization & Environment, Early-view.
Sarna, B., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2022. Rationality, experiences or identity work? Sensemaking of emotionally tense experiences of organizational sustainability. Social Responsibility Journal.
Apostol, O., Mäkelä, M., Heikkilä, K., Höyssä, M., Kalliomäki, H., Jokinen, L. and Saarni, J. 2021. Triggering sustainability communication in a B2B context: combining action research and sensemaking. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34, 4, 849-876. Linkki artikkeliin.
Sarja, M., Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M. 2021. A systematic literature review of the transition to the circular economy in business organizations: Obstacles, catalysts and ambivalences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125492.
Mäkelä, M., Parkkinen, M., Lyytimäki, J., Nygrén, N. A.. 2020. Futures images of woodchips as an energy source in Finland. Futures, 121, 102571.
Könnölä, K., Kangas, K., Seppälä, K., Mäkelä, M., Lehtonen, T. 2020. Considering sustainability in cruise vessel design and construction based on existing sustainability certification systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, 120763.
Onkila, T., Mäkelä, M., Järvenpää, M. 2017. Employee sensemaking on the importance of sustainability reporting in sustainability identity change. Sustainable Development, 26 (3), 217-228.
Mäkela, M. 2017. Environmental impacts and aspects in the forest industry: What kind of picture do corporate environmental reports provide? Forest Policy and Economics 80, 178-191.
Mäkelä, M. 2017. Trends in environmental performance reporting in the Finnish forest industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 1333-1346.
Joensuu, K., Koskela, M., Onkila, T. 2015. Social proximity and environmental NGO relationships in corporate sustainability reports. Sustainable Development, 23(1), 26-40.
Koskela, M. 2014. Measuring eco-efficiency in the Finnish forest industry with public data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 316-327.
Koskela, M. 2014. Occupational health and safety in corporate social responsibility reports. Safety Science, 68, 294-308.
Onkila, T., Joensuu, K., Koskela, M. 2014. Implications of managerial framing of stakeholders in environmental reports. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 34, 134-156.
Koskela, M. 2014. Future of environmental reporting in the Finnish forest industry. European Journal of Futures Research. Supplement, 01/2014.
Koskela, M., Vehmas, J. 2012. Defining eco-efficiency: A case study on the Finnish forest industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, 21(8), 546–566.
Koskela, M. 2011. Expert views on environmental impacts and their measurement in the forest industry. Journal of Cleaner Production 19(12), 1365–1376.
Vinnari, M., Koskela, M. 2009. Editorial. Progress in Industrial Ecology - An International Journal, 6(4), 337–339.
Koskela, M., Kiltti, P., Vilpola, I., Tervonen, J. 2005. Suitability of a Virtual Learning Environment for Higher Education. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 3(1), 21–30.